Print to Clipboard in Putty

![](/images/b12eb00de84321ff064fec87573163387c9d47dd.png?w=76 “putty”)

From Diomidis Spinellis - Puttyclip, Putty can be patched to use the clipboard as a printer device:

A tiny shell script, winclip, can utilize this capability to allow remote (e.g. Unix) programs to pipe their output to the local Windows clipboard, or to copy remote files to the Windows clipboard.

While left-mouse-button-select, and middle-mouse-button-paste (or shift-insert) interact with Windows’ clipboard in much the same way, this patch allows you to pipe remote command output directly to the local clipboard.

While the original patch was authored for an outdated version of Putty, there has since been another to address newer versions.

You can easily patch and build Putty from source - Putty’s build requirements in Windows (as detailed in the [README]( file) are minimal.

The patch can be viewed here, and can be downloaded from here.